Thursday, February 18, 2010

Clarion Database Which Programming Language To Learn ? Want End Results To Be Used Trhough A Internet Browser Use Database.?

Which programming language to learn ? Want end results to be used trhough a internet browser use database.? - clarion database

I have adequate training in programming, although in recent years, especially his state of VBA and Access. I have very little experience with creating web pages and others, but I started to sites that provide access to the database. ) So What (S language to do u recommend? The language is easier to use the most obvious.
Previously used Delphi, Clarion, TAS and VB / VBA.


binaryFu... said...

If you connect a database to connect to a demand of Ur, then learn a scripting language on the server side as JSP, ASP, PHP, etc., with original background as a Microsoft ASP May is best for u. U need to learn to know the basic need to create HTML forms. A matter of hours. Do not write Serverside programming, HTML or Flash. The focus on SQL and server-side language. That's all I need u.

Daniel R said...

While I agree with the other answers that you need to learn at least basic HTML, the programming language itself is not. Can not connect to a database using HTML occur only in connection.

There are many languages that run on a server that allows you to connect to a database and send the results to display in a browser, HTML, however. You can do this in VB - ASP.NET is Microsoft's state of the art.

However, I recommend you try something new. The framework Django ( runs on Python, which is a very easy to learn, and offers an easy way to do exactly what you want - the definition of a connection between a base - data and a website. Check it out, quickly connecting, but is extremely powerful.

As I said before, but choose whatever language you choose, you still have to use HTML to display the data - and the best learning CSS while you're there, because the style and allows the output format.

dewcoons said...

Start with the "building blocks", HTML. To master a language that a few weeks is capable of. Then add some "extensions" such as CSS, JavaScript and Java.

Since moving to Flash "or a language, such as where you create for creating interactive websites and animations.

Finally, once you have set the groundwork for creating a static website, to learn from Perl and PHP to develop Apllications behind places.

We hope that you recognize that most of the site will not run on Windows, but on Unix machines. If you are serious about web design, you also get some experience with Unix.

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