Saturday, January 9, 2010

Zinc Plating Electrolyte How Do You Plate Copper With Zinc?

How do you plate copper with zinc? - zinc plating electrolyte

In the electroplating of copper is placed at the cathode, while the electrolyte solution of zinc nitrate. Zinc ions reduced at the cathode, the copper plates. How could this happen? Should not be moved and H + ions in place in the electrochemical series is low?

This also applies to the production of mercury amalgam as a cathode and a solution of sodium chloride is used in the electrolyte. After a while sodium ions at the cathode forming an amalgam reduced. How could this happen? Failure to comply with ions and H in place, low in the electrochemical series is the discharge?


kumorifo... said...

The metal salts were already in the solution, and ionic. This makes it easier for them to gain electrons made available. The water must be broken first and has more energy than the reduction of metals. Since chemical processes on the path of least resistance, the metals are trying to go from the water decreases, the chance has to decompose.

kumorifo... said...

The metal salts were already in the solution, and ionic. This makes it easier for them to gain electrons made available. The water must be broken first and has more energy than the reduction of metals. Since chemical processes on the path of least resistance, the metals are trying to go from the water decreases, the chance has to decompose.

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