Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pediatric Asthma Medications 1 Year Old With Allergies And Sensitive Lungs Or Asthma?

1 year old with allergies and sensitive lungs or asthma? - pediatric asthma medications

I took my son to the doctor this morning, because it very closely, so that he sometimes wakes up at night coughing and had when he was awake during the day. his doctor said he is probably more susceptible to allergies, and lung, asthma or early May. I think my question is, has anybody faced a similar situation and how it was.

his doctor gave us a prescription for an inhaler and a mask in the pediatric really encouraging


Anonymous said...

I had my first child, an allergy test because he was always sick, and I went to a doctor for allergy when she was 11 months, proved to be a vaccination against allergies, because "he was allergic to many things that would to let go and test it, just to be safe.

Anonymous said...

You can also use for indoor air Quaility conducted by an environmental disaster contractors will be tested - if you have a high level of formaldehyde in indoor air, it could well be the cause of your child's asthma.

If so, are needed to determine where the carpet and / or furniture particles, etc. is

Anonymous said...

The only way to know for sure is it will be tested for allergies.
The little brother of my friend had asthma before, (but still very active and is) the time that the right medication.
I have allergies and asthma, but I will not, because no one correctly diagnosed me and I ended up spending my childhood disease. So just keep in touch with your doctor. Inhalers work very well, both live.

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